We are designed with purpose: to be in relationship with God first and foremost, and secondly to be in relationship with others. That's why our mission at Crossroads is Making Disciples One Heart At A Time.
You may wonder what that looks like for you in a practical sense, so we put our mission into action in the following approach:
One-on-Many (Corporate Worship)
One-on-Some (Life Groups)
One-on-One (D-Groups)
We envision changing our world one heart at a time by building caring, intentional relationships inside and outside the church with the hope of gaining the opportunity to disciple and be discipled in Christ.
One-On-Many » One-On-Some » One-On-One
Jesus was divine, and so were the methods He modeled for us in making disciples. The Bible records that Jesus ministered to 3 distinct groups: large groups, small groups, and a group of four (Jesus, Peter, James, and John). Because we see Jesus ministering in these three environments, it is our deep conviction that we, too, should strive to emulate that model in our churches.
Making Disciples One Heart at a Time
One-On-Many (Corporate Worship)
Jesus' large group ministry consisted of speaking to crowds as recorded in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and the multitudes of 5,000 and 4,000 who were fed on the hillside. Additionally, a group of 120 believers claimed allegiance to Jesus after his death (Acts 1), and we know of seventy-two whom were sent out during His earthly ministry (Luke 10).
One-On-Some (Life Groups)
Jesus called a group of twelve men to leave their families, friends, and careers to follow him. Subsequently, he invested the remainder of his ministry mentoring this group of twelve disciples. Jesus spent 90% of His ministry investing in twelve men.
Interested in joining a Life Group?
One-On-One (D Groups)
From the twelve, He invested more closely into three. Jesus consistently took three disciples with him for intensive times of equipping: Peter, James, and John (Mark 3:16, 17; Luke 6:14). All three of them were fishermen (Luke 5:10). All three appear together 5 times in the Gospels.
Our Core Values In Action:
C aring Consistent Bible Teaching
We offer teaching that is biblical and relevant to real life situations. We use the most effective methods available to deliver the unchanging message of Christ. (Acts 2:42-47, Matthew 28:19-20)
R eaching the Non-Believer with the Gospel
We joyously share the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that others may come to know him and the abundant life only He provides. ( Matthew 28:19-20, Philemon 1:6)
O pportunities for Service & Fellowship
Our Structure will not be overloaded with programs, so that we have time to develop friendships and involve ourselves in ministry. (Romans 3:12-8, 1 Corinthians 12-14)
S pirit-led Worship
We offer public worship services that: Encourage the worship of Christ in spirit and truth, build up the believer and evangelize the non-believer. We use biblical methods that help all generations worship. (Matthew 22:37, Psalm 100)
S trong Prayer Ministry
We pray for the needs and lives of both non-believers and believers. We pray especially for non-believers lives to be changed through a relationship with Christ. (Acts 2:42-47, Philippians 1:3-11, Matthew 7:7-12, Luke 18:1-14)
R elationships That Honor God
Loving relationships will permeate all aspects of our lives. Like Jesus, we accept you where you are. We must never accept sin, only the sinner. (1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Jude 1:23)
O utreach That is Needs Based
We share the Good News of Jesus Christ as we seek to identify and meet the needs of people. Our focus is outward, on the needs of others, as modeled by the only hope of our world, Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:42-47, James 2:14-17)
A tmosphere of Acceptance
We offer you friendliness and concern in a warm non-judgmental atmosphere. We will unconditionally accept every race, color, and status blindly. (1 Corinthians 3:1-13, Jude 1:23)
D iscipling Everyone Toward a Lifetime of Growth in Christ
Our ministries, teaching, and activities are designed to take into account that each individual has his or her own level of understanding of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:6-16 and 3:1-2)
S piritual Gifts Discovery
We enable each believer to discover his or her spiritual gifts and put them to use. (Romans 12:3-8, 1 Corinthians 12-14)