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Why Giving Is Important?

There are basically two reasons. First, God commands us to give to the cause of the Kingdom in the Bible. It is not an optional gesture He leaves it to our discretion. Jesus actually talked about money more than almost any other subject. He did not do so because He was infatuated with getting rich. In reality, He died naked and poor by worldly standards. He addressed the subject of money and wealth because he knew the way people earn, spend, save, invest, and give their money is the clearest indicator of their true priorities and passions. It is why he said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21, ESV). Second, the ministry and missions of the church cost money. The gospel is free but getting the gospel into people’s lives happens by using buildings, pastoral staff, curriculum, events, parking lots, utilities, etc. Your giving matters to God and to us, greatly!


Thank you for your interest in supporting the vision of the Church at Crossroads financially. We believe that giving faithfully is a significant part of your walk with the Lord.




Bill Pay is where you set up an automatic payment from your bank account on a one-time or recurring basis. You select the dollar amount and frequency of the payment (ex. $300 once per month, on the 1st day of the month). Check with your bank for specific instructions.




Check recipient: Crossroads Baptist Church

Recipient Address: 130 Conway Black Road, Spartanburg, SC 29307

Recipient Phone #: (864) 579-3120


Memo Section of Check: Please describe in the memo of your check the purpose of your gift (example: Tithe, One80 Youth Ministry, Children's Ministry, etc.)

Credit or Debit Card


You can follow the process to set up monthly installments from your credit or debit card.


Check or Cash

You can write a check and drop it in the offering plate or mail to the church office. Make sure you write "Tithe" in the memo line.

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